This policy applies to the use of cookies on the website, which is operated by Piana SAS (“Piana” or “we/us”). We are the data controller of the data collected through the use of cookies on our website.

A cookie is a small text file sent by our web server and is stored on your computer. The cookie is used to provide you access to various functions as well as analyse your behaviour and your use of our website.

We use cookies to learn how you interact with our content and to improve your experience when visiting our website(s). We may employ the learnings of your behaviour on our website(s) to serve you with targeted advertisements on third-party website(s) in an effort to “re-market” our products and services to you.

Most web browsers are set to accept cookies by default. You do not have to accept the use of our cookies to visit our website. However, it may limit the functionality of our website if you do not allow certain cookies.

There are two different types of cookies, persistent cookie and session cookie.

Persistent cookies store a file on your computer for an extended period of time. However, the cookies have a time-limited duration.

If the cookie's expiration date is exceeded, the cookies will self-delete or remain on your computer until you manually delete it but it will stop functioning.

Session cookies on the other hand are only temporarily stored on your computer and disappear as soon as you close your browser.

How do we use cookies?

Piana collects and manages data via a variety of cookies, in some cases they may contain personal information. These cookies can be split into (i) necessary cookies; (ii) analytical cookies; and (iii) marketing cookies.

We reserve the right to suspend your access to and use of the services provided by Piana and to terminate and close your Piana account if you provide us with inaccurate, untrue, or incomplete information about your business or your transactions, or if you fail to comply with any account registration requirements. Should you fail to comply with these provisions, you agree that this will also entitle Piana to cease the provision of any other services to you. We also reserve the right to suspend or restrict your account access if we suspect that your company is the subject of any sort of external investigation (including, but not limited to, legal, regulatory, criminal, or civil actions or suits).

Necessary Cookies

Necessary cookies are those cookies that help with the basic functionality of our website. This includes for example cookies that speed up loading time, improve security and that record to what (other) cookies you have consented. We consider these cookies to be necessary for anyone to interact with our website and therefore you cannot disable these cookies.

Analytical Cookies

We use analytical cookies to gather statistics about the use and traffic on our website, so we can make it better. This may include, for example, a cookie from Youtube to track views of embedded videos and keep statistics of what videos the user has seen. It would also include the Google Analytics cookie, which is explained in more detail below.

Marketing Cookies

We use marketing cookies to be able to show you relevant offers and ads across different websites. For example, this would include cookies from the major social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube etc. Marketing cookies can further be split into two categories: those that enable onsite targeting and those that enable retargeting.

Onsite targeting and retargeting

We use cookies to optimise our offers directly on our website with so-called Onsite Targeting. Based on your behaviour on our website, we may tailor offers and highlight special information you might find useful. For example, we may show you personalised content on a particular page, depending on your previous behaviour. Cookies that we may use for this purpose can include, for example, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, Google Tag Manager, Google Ads Pixel, Twitter Advertising & Analytics.

We also use cookies to optimise our offers and advertisements after you have visited our webpage, this is called retargeting. You may be retargeted on Google Ads, Twitter Ads, Facebook Ads or any other marketing platform we use.

Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Google Analytics are marketing tools which enables us to provide relevant services and offers to our customers. If you do not want these services to collect your information, you may block the cookies and disable them as set out below.

Third-Party cookies

A third party cookie is a cookie that is stored on your computer or mobile device on our behalf. These cookies may be persistent cookies or session cookies. Below are the main third party providers that store cookies on our behalf. We may, from time to time, update these providers. A full list of the third-party cookies active on our website can be found in the cookie management tool behind the shield icon at the bottom left of our website.  




Can you prevent cookies from being stored?

Yes, when you visit the Piana site for the first time through your browser, you will be presented with the option to enable or disable analytical and marketing cookies. Afterwards, you can always change your decision by clicking on the shield icon at the bottom left of the page.

You can also change the settings in your browser to prevent cookies from being saved or only being saved subject to your consent. Additionally you can specify whether cookies should be blocked. One type of setting might be that Piana cookies are accepted, but third-party cookies are blocked.Information about these cookies settings can be found in your browser setting.

Log files

When you visit our site, the user data will be transferred from your browser and stored in log files, which will include (among other things) your IP address, URL and web browser.

We use this information for troubleshooting whenever a customer reports a bug on our webpage, for example. These log files are deleted one month after they were created.